Immunology & Allergy

The Department will periodically contact patients waiting for an outpatient clinic appointment via SMS, with a link to an electronic form.  This is part of routine waitlist auditing to ensure patient details are up to date.  If you receive this SMS, please update your details.


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The Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy at the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) is a newly established statewide specialist service for the assessment and management of allergic and immunologic diseases.


North South North West Statewide


Clinical Immunologists deal with conditions in three main areas:

  • Allergy – immunological reaction against harmless substances
  • Immunodeficiency – increase in the frequency or severity of infections
  • Autoimmunity/autoinflammatory – immunological reaction against the self

This service incorporates the RHH Jack Jumper Allergy Clinic and RHH Supervised COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic.

It is distinct from the RHH Paediatric Allergy Clinic, the Tasmanian Specialist Immunisation and Allergy Clinic, and the Specialist Paediatric Immunisation Service.

We provide outpatient clinical services as well as consultation to hospital inpatients and day-patient admissions for procedures.

Out of hours on-call and inpatient admissions are currently outside of the scope of this service.

Our Services/Procedures:

  • Clinical consultation
  • Skin prick testing for allergy diagnosis
  • Immunotherapy/Desensitisation for allergy treatment
  • Challenge testing for diagnosis of food or drug allergy
  • Assessment and management (including supervised immunisation) of suspected vaccine allergy.

Services We Provide/Clinical Conditions Appropriate For Referral:

  • Anaphylaxis to drugs, insects, foods and unknown cause
  • Urticaria and angioedema
  • Hereditary angioedema
  • Drug allergy
  • Allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis
  • Non-allergic rhinitis
  • Allergic and non-allergic sinusitis, nasal polyposis
  • Asthma, allergic and non-allergic
  • Venom and aeroallergen immunotherapy
  • Food allergy
  • Severe eczema
  • Eosinophilic oesophagitis and other eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease
  • Mast cell disorders
  • Systemic autoinflammatory diseases / Periodic fever syndromes
  • Immunodeficiency, hereditary and acquired (not HIV).
  • What we don't see/conditions excluded from service:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome/suspected food intolerance (except on referral or recommendation from gastroenterologist)
  • Large local reactions to insect stings
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome/multiple chemical sensitivity/fibromyalgia/post COVID-19 syndrome
  • Contact dermatitis/patch testing for contact allergens (refer to dermatology)
  • Acute or chronic urticaria which has remitted (unless allergic cause suspected)
  • Children under 18 years (unless for insect allergy)

Emergency conditions

The following conditions are medical emergencies and require immediate transfer to the RHH emergency department:

  • Anaphylaxis
  • Angioedema with threat to the airway
  • Acute severe asthma

Referral process

Referrals need sufficient information to allow triage and act as a clinical handover and must conform to the standard – see For Clinicians. eReferral is now the preferred method of referral for this service and is available in all THS regions. Please refer via HealthLink SmartForm eReferral through your software system (either Best Practice, or Medical Director). For instructions, see Quick Guide: Creating an eReferral.

Referrals are registered by the clinic to which they are referred and are triaged according to the specific clinic guidelines.


Likely Triage Category

Information required to determine urgency/Prerequisite information




Severity– e.g., hypotension, collapse adrenaline treatment, admitted to hospital

Cause- known, unknown, avoidable


Has/has not adrenaline autoinjector

Food allergy



Severity of reactions

Known/unknown food

Multiple foods

Nutritional impact




Interference with daily activities

Response to medications

Nasal obstruction, anosmia

Sinus infections





Severity of attacks, symptoms

Response to medications

Likely allergic triggers




Severity, frequency of infections

Immunoglobulin levels

Infectious pathogens, antibiotic requirement

Atypical infections, family history

Established diagnosis

On immunoglobulin replacement

Drug/Vaccine/Contrast Allergy




Urgent indication for suspected


Multiple allergies/limited options

Nature of previous adverse reactions

Chronic Urticaria



Duration, severity of urticaria

Association with systemic symptoms

Response to antihistamines




Frequency, severity

Involvement of airway

Periodic fever/

Autoinflammatory syndrome



Fever, rash, organ involvement, family history

Mast cell disorder




Anaphylaxis, recurrent mastocytosis attacks

Organ, systemic involvement

Predominant cutaneous involvement

Severe eczema (as part of multidisciplinary investigation and management)


Primary referral to dermatology

Clinic Appointments - Appointments are based on clinical priority:


Proceed to Emergency Department (ED).

LGH ED Reception  – Phone: (03) 6777 6405  Fax: (03) 6777 5201

MCH ED* – Phone: (03) 6478 5120  Fax: (03) 6441 5923

NWRH ED* – Phone: (03) 6493 6351 Fax: (03) 6464 1926

RHH ED Reception – Phone: (03) 6166 6100  Fax: (03) 6173 0489

Advice for medical practitioners can be given by the Medical Officer In Charge (MOIC) - see HealthPathways TasmaniaLink to an external website for contact information.

*MCH and NWRH MOICs request GPs call them prior to referring a patient to ensure the patient is being sent appropriately to a safe destination.

Urgent / category 1

We will endeavour to see these patients within 4 weeks.

Urgent referrals should be accompanied by a phone call to the Consultant/Registrar or Clinic Nurse to organise urgent review.

Semi-urgent / category 2

We will endeavour to see these patients within 12 weeks

Routine / category 3

Next available appointment

Referral template

For use by health professionals only